Call for Abstract

  • Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
    Chulalongkorn University Systems Biology (CUSB), Thailand
    Cairo University, Egypt
    Ghaem Medical Center, Iran
    University College London, UK
    Heidelberg University, Germany
    Alexandria Armed Forces Hospital, Egypt
    IONTAS Ltd, UK
    Everest Biotech, UK
    PRA HealthSciences, UK
  • -----------------------------------------------------------
    FahyGurteen Laboratories, UK
    GE Health Care, USA
    National Centre for Foreign Animal Disease, Canada
    Heptares Therapeutics, UK
    Glycotope GmbH, Germany
    Knauer GmbH, Germany
    U3 Pharma GmbH, Germany

International Conference and Exhibition on Antibodies, will be organized around the theme “Novel Research and Therapeutic Challenges on Antibodies”

Antibodies-2015 is comprised of 26 tracks and 1 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Antibodies-2015.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.