Jeff Mihailoff
Pall ForteBio LLC, USA
Title: Antibody development updates for users of bio-layer interferometry kinetics comparison to SPR and high-throughput quantitation of bioprocess residuals
Biography: Jeff Mihailoff
Pall Fortebio’s Bio-Layer Interferometry has been utilized by the antibody biopharma market since its inception in 2005. This game-changing technology allowed scientists to bypass ELISA and HPLC technologies for antibody quantification. In addition, its lower price point and easy of use allowed it to be a substitute for Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) studies on antibody-antigen binding affinity. However, there have remained questions about the accuracy of the work as related to SPR. In this talk, the author will review a recent large-scale study in which different variables related to assay design were tested and then compared to SPR studies. Finally, the author will review some of the newer technology changes and how they are being applied to bioprocess residuals quantification.