K E Khalid
Albaha University, Albaha-Saudi Arabia
Khalid Eltahir Khalid, PhD, is affiliated as an Associate Professor of Biochemistry at the Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Albaha University, Saudi Arabia. He hold his BSc in Biochemistry from Omdurman Islamic University, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences-Sudan, and PhD from Gezira University, School of Medicine and the Institute of Health Sciences, Shanghai Institute of Biological Sciences and Chinese Academy of Science, under supervision of Prof. Jingwu Z. Zhang, and his Post-doctorate in the Molecular Immunology of Leishmania at Sao Paulo University, School of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry and Immunology, under supervision of Prof. Joao Sanatana da Silva. He is a Faculty member at the University of Gezira, performed different activities at the Faculty of Medicine, National Cancer Institute (NCI), and Blue Nile Research Centre for Communicable Diseases (BNRCCD). He attended short courses in Molecular Biology, Immunology, and conducting seminars and teaching activities for under-and Post-graduate Medical students in Sudan. He has been awarded TWAS-CAS fellowship for PhD degree in China, and CNPq-TWAS Post-doctoral fellowship in Brazil. He is currently reviewer for Gezira Journal of Health Sciences, Member of the Brazilian Society of Immunology (Sociedade Brasileira de Imunologia (SBI)), and Trainee Member of Clinical Immunology Society (CIS). He has over 40 scientific papers published and attended several conferences and workshops abroad.